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Discover your before and after in 3D

Prof. Roberto Roddi

Plastic surgeon

Excellent 4.8 (31 ratings)

Verified Crisalix practitioner

Faber corporis / architetto del corpo


FORUM MEDICAL CENTER - Via S. Giovanni, 7-San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) (073 556269); SKIN LASER CLINIC - E.Troilo, 23-Pescara (089 4531036); STUDIO VERNAMONTE, V.le R. Margherita 19, Pescara (085 4211686); Dr Roddi Clinic, Park Kiewitheide 34 - 3620 Lanaken (Belgium) gsm +31 6 54764377

Professional statement

Docente di chirurgia plastica dal 1996 Ex Ufficiale paracadutisti B.ta Folgore 1982 Laurea in Medicina con lode (Modena) 1987 Ph.D. (Parigi, F) 1989 Laurea in Odontostomatologia (Parigi, F) Specializzazioni 1987 Chirurgia con lode Modena 1988 Chirurgia Maxillofacciale Parigi 1989 Chirurgia plastica ricostruttiva ed estetica Parigi Masters 1988 Microchirurgia, Università Parigi XII, F 1999 Morfologia Cranio-Facciale Università Nancy I, (F) 1999 Organogenesi Cranio-Facciale Università Nancy I, (F) 1982-2023 Esperienza professionale Italia, Francia, Belgio, Paese Bassi, Germania, Myanmar Volontariato in Paesi invia di sviluppo: America Latina, Asia, Africa per il trattamento pro-Deo di pazienti indigenti affetti da diverse patologie es.: labio-palatoschisi e altre malformzioni congenite, esiti di ustioni, mutilazione dei genitali esterni, ecc.) Esperienza >20.000 interventi primo operatore


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dr. roberto roddi chirurgia plastica
Forum Medical Center Via S Giovanni, 7 63074 (+39 0873 556269) Porto d'Ascoli/San Benedetto del Tronto - Ascoli Piceno, Italy


Office hours

Tuesday 08:00 - 14:00 and 14:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 14:00 and 14:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 14:00


First consultation EUR 150 €

Languages spoken

Deutsch, English, français, Italiano, Nederlands

Board certifications

AICPE - Associazione Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica ed Estetica

BAPRAS - British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons

IPRAS - The International Confederation of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

ISAPS - International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

NVEPC - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Esthetische Plastische Chirurgie

NVPC - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Plastische Chirurgie

SICPRE - Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica

SOFCPRE - Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructrice et Esthétique

As featured on

Example photo face Example photo mammo Example photo body

It's simple!

Just upload three standard pictures today to see a 3D simulation during your next appointment with Prof. Roberto Roddi. Before the consultation, you can visualize your current self in 3D and, after the consultation, gain access to see your new look from home so you can share with friends and make a better-informed decision.

What is a typical 3D consultation like?

During your next appointment you will be able to discover your "new you" while gaining valuable advice from Prof. Roberto Roddi

3D face consultation
3D breast consultation
3D body consultation

Increase the level of patient care

Crisalix is an innovative tool which aims to improve communication between doctors and patients. The interconnecting platform enhances the relationship among patients and doctors.


Crisalix facilitates the education of patients about possible outcomes of selected procedures based on a 3D simulation of their own body.


Being involved in the decision process helps patients make the right choice.


100% of the women said they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their surgery after having seen a Crisalix 3D simulation beforehand.*

*Online survey conducted among breast augmentation patients who underwent surgery between May 2010 and September 2011 in Switzerland.

Want to know what looks best on you?

After the consultation, Prof. Roberto Roddi may let you access your "new you" from home with your own Crisalix account. This will allow you to share it with your family and friends or anyone from whom you would like an opinion.

Easy and secure

Crisalix is commited to protecting your privacy at all times. Our servers are fully encrypted: your information remains secure and private.


First web-based 3D simulator for plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures already used by doctors in over 100 countries and recomended by several plastic surgery associations.

Your new you in 3D

Discover how you can look after a cosmetic procedure or plastic surgery.

The only 3D imaging solution that covers the simulation of:

All procedures for all your current and future needs


  • Face assessment
  • Automated measurements
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Face lifting
  • Eyebrows & Foxy eyes
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Cheek & neck treatments
  • Dermal fillers & toxin
  • Lip augmentation
  • Chin & jawline augmentation
  • Face tightening
  • Bichectomy
  • Laser procedures
  • Peeling
  • and more


  • Breast assessment
  • Automated measurements
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast reduction
  • Mastopexy / Breast lift
  • Implants revision
  • Fat transfer
  • Breast implants
  • IMF positioning
  • Breast cleavage
  • Scars
  • Breast reconstruction
  • 5D dynamics
  • Virtual clothes
  • and more


  • Body assessment
  • Automated measurements
  • Abdominoplasty / Tummy tuck
  • Liposuction / Liposculpture
  • Body contouring
  • Buttocks
  • Lipo High Definition
  • and more

Including over 5'000 references from Allergan, Arion, Eurosilicone, Mentor, Motiva, Nagor, Polytech, Sebbin, Sientra, Silimed, and others. Selection per volume, profile, projection, diameter, surface, etc.



98% of patients recommend Crisalix to their friends

Ready to see your new you?

Book a 3D Crisalix consultation
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