Advanced Analysis - Expert Surgery - Outstanding Care
I work at The Leeds Nuffield Hospital - in the top 6 Private Hospitals for Cosmetic Surgery in the UK -rated 'Outstanding' by the CQC in 2017/18. I have been super-specialised just in "Breast Surgery" for over 20-years and have a national reputation as a leader in Cosmetic Breast Surgery.
전문 성명서
Mr Turton is a nationally recognised leader in Aesthetic Breast Surgery. He is a senior consultant breast surgeon specialised in all aspects of cosmetic breast surgery & breast cancer surgery. He has extensive experience in biodimensional breast assessment, Vectra 3D and Crisalix 3D.
He has a track record that is second to none, with thousands of breast operations. This combined with his technical ability with breast aesthetics, expert knowledge and proven safety record produces optimal results. As a perfectionist who loves giving patients the best results you are in good safe hands. See the latest feedback examples from his recent patients:
전후 사진
의사 노트:
245cc Implants
Patient desired proportionate natural result to correct flattened appearance to breasts with absence of outer contour.
의사 노트:
295cc Implant
Desired modest augmentation to improve shape after loss of volume from breast feeding. Wanted to keep a very natural result and this was easily achieved with the assessment technique
의사 노트:
325cc implants
Very empty upper pole to breast with scalloped appearance. Corrected with accurate assessment to reshape the breast and restore confidence
의사 노트:
Removal of Implants and Mastopexy
This lady had breast implants elsewhere in the UK and came to me for revision. I removed the implants and corrected her sag with an uplift
의사 노트:
Where there is too much sag, mastopexy is required with implants. This is necessary to restore shape and improve the nipple position
의사 노트:
Correction of asymmetry- left reduction + uplift
Asymmetry comes in many varieties. In this case a left breast reduction and uplift has created a much better result
의사 노트:
Correction of tuberous breasts and asymmetry
Here I used several techniques to correct a complex abnormal breast shape with asymmetry. She has had mastopexies, internal reshaping and breast augmentation
의사 노트:
Correction of male Gynaecomastia
Men can develop breast tissue behind the nipple (gynaecomastia) and it can be very embarrassing. Small incisions are used to remove the thick tissue to improve the contour and restore confidence.
의사 노트:
Where breast droop is profound, a 2 stage approach may be recommended for safety reasons. Here I did a mastopexy to both breasts, waited 3-months then carried out the breast enlargement to produce the result you see
의사 노트:
Removal of Implants alone
This lady had problems form implants placed at anther hospital - I removed them and the capsule tissue and avoided replacement implants giving her a very nice result. If she wanted to have further augmentation she could, but would need mastopexy-augmentation. However, she loved the restoration of a natural shape that I achieved for her
의사 노트:
Revision work
This lady had Breast Augmentation 17 years ago and 7 revisions all elsewhere in the UK, before coming to me for help. I operated on her, initially removing implants, capsules and performing mastopexies, and then re-augmenting with 335cc implants
의사 노트:
Breast Augmentation
Empty breasts with sag, corrected with implants taking care to avoid any rounded look in the upper pole as she wanted her breasts to be as natural as possible.
오늘 3장의 기준 사진을 업로드하기만 하면 Mr Philip Turton 님과의 다음 약속에서 3D 시뮬레이션을 볼 수 있습니다. 상담 전에 현재 자신의 모습을 3D로 시각화하고 상담 후 집에서 새로운 모습을 볼 수 있는 액세스 권한을 얻으면 친구들과 모습을 공유하고 더 나은 정보에 입각한 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다.
Crisalix는 항상 개인 정보를 보호하는 데 전념합니다. 서버는 완전히 암호화되어 있습니다. 정보는 안전하고 비밀로 유지됩니다.
첨단 기술
First web-based 3D simulator for plastic surgery and aesthetic procedures already used by doctors in over 100 countries and recomended by several plastic surgery associations.
당신의 새로운 3D 모습
미용시술이나 성형수술을 받은 후 자신이 어떻게 보일지 발견하세요!
3D 이미징 솔루션은 다음 시뮬레이션을 다룹니다.
현재와 미래의 니즈를 위한 모든 시술
가슴 평가
자동화 측정
가슴 확대술
가슴 축소술
마스토펙시 / 가슴 리프트
임플란트 수정
지방 전송
가슴 보형물
IMF 포지셔닝
가슴 재건술
5D 다이내믹
그리고 그밖에 더
Allergan, Arion, Eurosilicone, Mentor, Motiva, Nagor, Polytech, Sebbin, Sientra, Silimed 및 등의 5천 가지가 넘는 카탈로그가 포함되어 있습니다. 볼륨, 프로파일, 투영, 직경, 표면 등으로 선택 가능합니다.
알고 계셨나요?
195% 이상의 환자들이의료 전문가나 클리닉을 선택하기 전에 리뷰와 평가를 필수적이라고 생각합니다.
294%는 부정적인 리뷰로 인해 부정적인 피드백이 있는 사람들을 피한 적이 있다고 말합니다.
따라서, 가능한 한 많은 리뷰를 수집하고 그것들이 최대한 긍정적이도록 하는 것이 중요합니다. 합리적이죠 - 그렇다면 어떻게 이루어질 수 있을까요?
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