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North Texas Plastic Surgery

Пластический хирург

Превосходно 4.9 (4500 Рейтинги)

Проверенный практик Crisalix

Обо мне

Начните вашу 3D-консультацию прямо сейчас с North Texas Plastic Surgery, высококвалифицированным пластический хирург в Southlake, United States чтобы воспользоваться уникальным Crisalix 3D решением и ответить на важный вопрос «Как я буду выглядеть после процедуры?». Загрузите 3 стандартных цифровых фотографии в онлайн и North Texas Plastic Surgery получите ваш новый 3D-образ.

Отзывы пациентов

Это личное мнение, основанное на личном опыте пациента. Однако результаты процедур варьируются в зависимости от человека.

Личность подтверждена

I enjoyed learning about all aspects of the procedure from Kiara and Lauren. They were both through and kind. Dr. Carlson also explained answers to my questions we'll, and he confirmed everything I needed to know for my surgery.

Mick W марта 11, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Everyone was so kind and patient with all of my questions. They made me feel at ease about the whole process.

Samantha Shoulders марта 10, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Great staff helped me with all my questions while looking for a plastic surgeon

Zee марта 09, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Friendly staff, knowledgeable physician

A Helms марта 08, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Dr. Mani and his team were fantastic! Very informative and listened to all of my thoughts and concerns. 10/10 would recommend!!

Rylee Burk марта 07, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Bedi was amazing and helped me understand more so the process and answered all my questions. She was extremely reassuring and helpful.

Zee марта 06, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Fast and easy

Brandi марта 06, 2025

Личность подтверждена

Going to North Texas Plastic Surgery has been one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. The facility is nice, the staffs are very welcoming and wonderful. But most importantly was the clarity and honesty I receive from every visit with my doctor (Dr. Mani) Dr. Mani is extremely informative, honest and open which helps put at ease any jitters one might have. He’s kind, funny, and very professional. The work that Dr. Mani does at North Texas Plastic Surgery is amazing and I would definitely recommend Dr. Mani to anyone who’s looking to turn heads.

Sarala Long марта 06, 2025

Личность подтверждена

The experience was great I liked seeing the 3D Imagining and the nurse was great at answering my questions

Kelsey Turner марта 05, 2025

Личность подтверждена

I love North Texas Plastic Surgery. I sought out Dr Obaid specifically after finding a lot of his work on women online. I liked the style and then I also liked the fact that these women were very happy with the "hand holding" that the clinic provides to you. I, too, was impressed with the amount of support that was given to me throughout my interaction with North Texas plastic surgery. I called one day and spoke with Rayna. She set up my appointment and gave me general expectations of what would happen at my initial consultation. Then Jaclyn called a couple of days later to work out some finer details and was even able to provide me possible surgery dates that were currently available because I have been waiting to do this for a long time and I was ready to get it done ASAP. I understand that Dr Obaid is a busy person running his own practice out of five or six offices so I did not expect him to be at my consultation or pre-op. I chose him for his style, other women's feedback, and for the fact that he's in (at minimum) the top 20 best plastic surgeons for breast augmentations in the -country-. For my consultation appointment I brought in my seven-page questionnaire (call me crazy, I'm ok with that, lol). Although I did not expect the initial nurse or the patient scheduling manager, Kayla, to be able to answer some of these questions, they really did their best. My appointment was only scheduled for an hour but they were extremely patient with me and the appointment ended up being I think two and a half hours. At no point was I rushed nor did I feel like I missed out on anything in this consultation They did make notes of some of the questions that they couldn't answer right away and were able to fill me in later on that week with some of the answers. I am slightly disappointed that by the time I reached pre-op the remaining questions I had could not be answered. At one point I was asked to "ask the doctor" since what I was asking truly was something he would only know yet we all knew the only time I would see Dr Obaid would be 15 to 20 minutes before surgery. They didn't say it in a rude way, I wasn't offended, I just think they didn't think it through when they said he would be the one to answer those few questions. My list of unanswered questions was sent to the woman handling my pre-op appointment so I feel like she should have done her homework and asked the doctor at that time before I showed up. Anywho. I had -requested- Dr Pareekh(sp?) as my anesthesiologist, that my surgery time be as early in the AM as possible, and that all of the surgical marking (to decide where my implants go) be removed from my body before waking up Post surgery. They met every single request without hesitation. My nurse for the day of surgery was cool, calm, collected, and patient, along with a genuine caring attitude. Everybody that I dealt with from the time I rolled up to the door until the time I was put in the car after surgery was amazing. I definitely have no complaints over the results, I have not been in any abnormal or unexpected pain. I had requested post-op paperwork during my consultation so I could prepare my "handlers" and my household for The upcoming surgery. They did not hesitate to provide that to me because they knew I was serious about having a procedure done and the more prepared I could be before surgery, the better the surgery recovery was going to be. I know I did mention a complaint in this review but it's a minor complaint and I'm sure if I would have made it known that I wasn't ok about the unanswered questions they would have for sure got the answers for me, but I didn't push. If I could do everything all over again from choosing the doctor, to the size, to the women I interacted with at the centers, to the questions I asked, etc etc... I honestly wouldn't change a single thing. That was a very stress free process And it couldn't have been done that way without the team Dr Obaid has created at his centers. Thank every single one of you for holding my hand through this and giving me my brand new breasts! I love them and that means I love you guys for them ❤️ Thank You All.

Jen P марта 05, 2025


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North Texas Plastic Surgery
415 E Southlake Blvd Suite 202 76092 Southlake - Texas, United States


Время приема

понедельник 08:00 - 17:00
вторник 08:00 - 17:00
среда 08:00 - 17:00
четверг 08:00 - 17:00
пятница 08:00 - 17:00

Владения языками


Как показано на

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Всё просто!

Просто загрузите три обычных фотографии, чтобы увидеть 3D-модель на следующем приеме у North Texas Plastic Surgery.Перед консультацией вы можете визуализировать себя в 3D, а после консультации получить доступ к своему новому образу из дома, поделиться им с друзьями и принять более обоснованное решение.

Что такое 3D консультация?

Во время следующей встречи вы ознакомитесь со своим новым образом и получите ценный совет от North Texas Plastic Surgery

Консультация по 3D груди

Улучшение качества обслуживания пациентов

Crisalix - это инновационное решение для улучшения взаимопонимания между врачом и пациентом, отвечающее на ключевой вопрос каждого пациента: "Как я смогу выглядеть после пластики?"


Crisalix позволяет наглядно продемонстрировать пациентам возможные результаты операции, учитывая их изначальную анатомию тела.


Участие в процессе принятия решений помогает пациентам сделать правильный выбор.


100% женщин сказали, что они были удовлетворены или очень удовлетворены своей операцией после того, как увидели Crisalix 3D-моделирование до нее*

*Онлайн-опрос проводился в Швейцарии среди пациенток, сделавших операцию по увеличению груди в период с мая 2010 года до сентября 2011 года.

Вы хотите узнать, что Вам больше подходит?

После консультации North Texas Plastic Surgery даст доступ к вашему новому образу с помощью учетной записи Crisalix, войти в которую вы можете прямо из дома. Это позволит вам поделиться им со своей семьей и друзьями или с кем-либо, от кого вы хотите узнать мнение.

Просто и безопасно

Crisalix постоянно заботится о вашей конфиденциальности. Наши серверы полностью зашифрованы, ваша информация надежно защищена


Первое онлайн 3D-моделирование результатов пластических операций Crisalix используется хирургами в более 100 странах. Мы также получили официальные рекомендации и поддержку от нескольких ассоциаций по пластической хирургии.

Новая Вы в 3D

Узнайте, как Вы сможете выглядеть после пластической операции или косметической процедуры.

Единственное решение для 3D-визуализации, которое охватывает моделирование:

Все процедуры для всех ваших текущих и будущих потребностей


  • Оценка груди
  • Автоматизированные измерения
  • Увеличение груди
  • Уменьшение груди
  • Мастопексия / Подтяжка груди
  • Ревизия имплантов
  • Липофиллинг
  • Грудные импланты
  • расположение подгрудной складки
  • Декольте груди
  • Рубцы
  • Реконструктивная маммопластика
  • 5D динамика
  • Виртуальная одежда
  • и больше

Включая 5000 грудных имплантов Allergan, Arion, Eurosilicone, Mentor, Motiva, Nagor, Polytech, Sebbin, Sientra, Silimed. Фильтр по объему, профилю, форме, диаметру и пр.



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