Patient safety, exceptional personalised care and surgical excellence.
I hold weekly clinics at the prestigious King Edward VII Hospital and The London Clinic, as well as locations outside of London The New Victoria Hospital in Kingston and Spire Clare Park Hospital in Farnham Surrey. I specialise in all aspects of cosmetic breast surgery, tummy tucks and liposuction.
Professional statement
I specialise in all aspects of surgery of the breast and trunk and I am truly fortunate to have a practice, where I can offer a mixture of cosmetic and complex reconstructive procedures for my patients. Although at first glance these two disciplines may appear unrelated, the core reconstructive principles I use in the NHS, directly apply to cosmetic surgery. This gives me an edge and a unique understanding of the aesthetic form, tissue reshaping, healing and above all the focus on personalised and safe care.
In addition to the standard cosmetic procedures offered, areas of particular interest of mine include: implant free natural breast enhancement, auto-augmentation breast lift, liposculpting and liposuction, tummy tucks, cosmetic ear surgery, eyelids and surgery of the skin. I perform in excess of 200 breast, trunk and skin operations per year.