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您知道嗎? 1 95%的患者認為在選擇醫療專業人士或診所前,評價和評分是不可或缺的。 2 94%的人表示,負面評價使他們避開那些有負面反饋的專業人士或診所。 因此,收集更多的評價並確保它們儘可能地正面是至關重要的。聽起來合乎邏輯對吧——但該如何達成呢?
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Crisalix is the world's leading tech company in the field of 3D aesthetic simulation. Its unique technology is based on the most recent advances in Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision and Augmented Reality and it permits the creation of highly accurate 3D reconstructions of human bodies and the simulation of aesthetic procedures on top. Its disruptive technology caters to some of the world's most recognized plastic surgeons and clinics across 5 continents.
Our interdisciplinary deep learning team combines the best techniques from deep learning, computer vision and software engineering to build powerful learning-based solutions for applications related to 3D reconstruction, augmented reality and pattern recognition.
Using cutting edge rendering interactive 3D graphics engine, surgeons can show and simulate most common surgery procedures in real time. Thanks to the fact that the 3D models are in real scale they also can see valuable overlayed information on the screen. Also giving support to several platforms; from WebGL which allows 3D graphics within any compatible web browser to the iPad ecosystem without forgetting Android.
We combine the power of Apple’s technologies together with our in-house technologies to forge the present and future of AR/VR for medical simulations. Our commitment to innovation drives us to explore and take advantage of state of the art AR/VR techniques to create immersive and realistic experiences for our users. In order to push AR/VR boundaries we take profit from our in-house DL/ML models and Computer Vision algorithms running on mobile devices.
Crisalix headquarters are in Lausanne (Switzerland), with several development and support centers in Barcelona (Spain) and Manila (Philippines) combined with professionals located all over the planet to better serve our customers. The company is a spin-off from the fastest growing life science cluster in the world, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), in Switzerland, and the Institute of Surgical Technology and Biomechanics (ISTB) of the University of Bern in Switzerland.