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您知道嗎? 1 95%的患者認為在選擇醫療專業人士或診所前,評價和評分是不可或缺的。 2 94%的人表示,負面評價使他們避開那些有負面反饋的專業人士或診所。 因此,收集更多的評價並確保它們儘可能地正面是至關重要的。聽起來合乎邏輯對吧——但該如何達成呢?
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Johns Hopkins & Harvard trained. Specializing in aesthetic surgery of the face, breast & body.
现在就可以开始您的3D咨询Dr Emile Brown,一个高水平的整形外科医生在Baltimore, United States使用独一无二的Crisalix 3D回答一个核心问题< em>“在手术之后我可能会变成什么样子?”上传三张标准的照片到网上Dr Emile Brown您就可以在3D模拟仿真里面看到崭新的自己。
这些是基于客户个人经历的评论。 然而,最终结果和治疗效果因人而异。
Dr. Brown has been soo helpful with all my concerns. Real cool about my situation and would def use him for my revision!
Rowena 2月 25, 2025
Dr Brown provided excellent care every step of the way, from my consultation to pre-op, surgery, recovery, and post op care. He was very knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate. He explained everything in detail and was able to answer any questions I had. Dr Brown made me feel comfortable and he confident in his ability and am very pleased with my results. I recommend him all the time!
Laura Roe 2月 06, 2025
Dr Brown was amazing. He answered all of my questions and put my nerves at ease
Lindsey Yingling 1月 30, 2025
Terrific demeanor and knowledge. Thoroughly answered my questions and explained any concerns clearly.
Denie 12月 18, 2024
Dr brown is very caring and he listens to every concern. I feel like I am a hand full but I trust his work and time he takes to make me feel confident in what I am seeking. A doctor with patients and care is a top notch doctor that truly cares for his patients and what they are seeking. I love how he listens to everything and every question. He truly takes the time and I don’t feel rushed at all. He has true care and passion for his work. Best surgeon hands down
Sofia H 6月 28, 2024
Thank you!
Megan Scott 6月 25, 2024
Dr. Brown is friendly and professional. I look forward to being his patient!
K 6月 20, 2024
Been his patient for the past 2 years and he knows exactly what I want.
WD 5月 29, 2024
I recently had a consultation with Dr. Brown and it was an outstanding experience. Dr. Brown was incredibly knowledgeable, attentive, and compassionate. They took the time to listen to all my concerns and provided clear, comprehensive explanations and recommendations. The level of care and professionalism exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend Dr. Brown to anyone in need of medical advice. Thank you, Dr. Brown, for your exceptional service!
Sofia 5月 28, 2024
Made an uncomfortable situation very comfortable.
Erica B 4月 02, 2024
1 of 2
Dr. Emile Brown was born and raised in the Baltimore area. After undergraduate studies at Duke University, he returned to attend medical school at the University of Maryland, where he graduated first in his class. The influences of his mother, an artist, and his father, a physician, led him to a career in plastic surgery – the perfect marriage of art and medicine. Dr. Brown completed his plastic surgery residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, follow by an additional year of specialized fellowship training at Harvard, focused solely on aesthetic surgery. Here, he became well versed in the most cutting edge techniques for cosmetic surgery of the face, breast and body. Dr. Brown maintains an interest in the science of plastic surgery, and has published over 30 journal articles and book chapters, as well as presented his research at multiple national and international meetings. He is also part-time faculty at Johns Hopkins, where he teaches cosmetic plastic surgery.
星期一 | 08:30 - 19:00 |
星期二 | 08:30 - 19:00 |
星期三 | 08:30 - 19:00 |
星期四 | 08:30 - 19:00 |
星期五 | 08:30 - 18:00 |
首次咨询 | USD 100 |
ABPS - American Board of Plastic Surgery
今天仅仅上传三张标准的图片,就可以在下次与Dr Emile Brown的预约当中,观看3D模拟仿真。在咨询之前,您就可以设想您目前的3D身体或者脸庞。咨询之后,在家里即可看到您崭新的面孔,因此,您可以分享给您的朋友们,并且做出更加明智的决定。
Crisalix 是一种旨在改善医生和病人之间交流的创新工具。该互相连接的平台,促进了病人和医生之间的交流和联系。
Crisalix 是基于病人身体的3D模拟,促进了整容病人了解所选择手术可能出现结果。
咨询后,Dr Emile Brown可以让您通过自己的Crisalix帐户在家中观看您的术后新图像。这样,您就可以与家人,朋友或任何您想征询意见的人分享它.
Crisalix 始终致力于保护您的个人隐私。我们的服务器是完全加密的:您的信息是安全并且私密的。
唯一涵盖以下模拟的 3D 成像解决方案:
包括超过5 000多种来自Allergan, Arion, Eurosilicone, Mentor, Motiva, Nagor, Polytech, Sebbin, Sientra, Silimed的参考。选择每一种尺寸,轮廓,阴影,直径,表面等等。