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An investigation of the advantages of 3D image simulation over traditional methods in the preoperative aesthetic evaluation and design of hyaluronic acid filler chin augmentation, doctor-patient communication, and injection assistance.
LIU Pai, HAN Yan; Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital in Beijing. (Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery - April 2021).
下载Study about the feasibility and efficacy of immediate breast augmentation with autologous fat grafting after removal of polyacrylamide hydrogel(PAAG) and fibrotic capsule.
Gao Q, Zhai P, Qi J, Yang Z, Hu Y, Yuan X, Liu C, Qi Z. (Breast Care, Karger - February 2022).
下载Research paper about how computer-based three-dimensional simulation technology can allow the physician to effectively communicate with the patient preoperatively regarding volume.
Dennis C. Hammond, M.D., Kuylhee Kim, M.D., Matthew H. Bageris, B.S., Arif Chaudhry, M.D. (PRS - January 2022).
下载Introduction to H3D-Net, a hybrid scheme that combines the strengths of model-based and model-free representations by incorporating prior knowledge into neural implicit models for category-specific multi-view reconstruction. This approach is applied to the problem of few-shot full head reconstruction.
By Eduard Ramon, Gil Triginer, Janna Escur, Albert Pumarola, Jaime Garcia, Xavier Giro-i-Nieto, Francesc Moreno-Noguer.
(ICCV - 2021).
下载Study to validate and summarize expert-based advice to help plastic surgeons better understand the benefits of utilizing fat grafting to reduce implant size in their surgical planning. A 3-dimensional planning system was used to plan the procedure and also to analyze the fat retention and resorption rates.
Marcos Sforza, MD ; and Scott Spear, MD, FACS. (Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2021, 1–13, May 2021)
下载Three-dimensional surface imaging (3D-SI) of the breasts enables the measurement of anthropometric distances and breast volume. These measurements may be used in surgical planning and to facilitate clear communication with patients. The aim of this study was to compare measurements using a portable 3D-SI system, Crisalix, with a more established non-mobile camera, the VECTRA XT.
Jennifer E Rusby, et al. (Medical Research Archives vol 9 issue 4. April 2021).
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the ideal implant size could be estimated using 3D breast volume or mastectomy specimen weight, and to compare prediction performances between the two variables.
Jeong-Hoon Kim, Jin-Woo Park and Kyong-Je Woo. (Medicina 2020, 56(10), 498.)
下载This study presents a novel use of an aesthetic surgery simulator software as an affordable alternative to obtaining 3D breast images and creating 3D printed biomodels to aid in the precise shaping of the flap.
Dr. Horacio F. Mayer, (Aesthetics Plastic Surgery - April 2020).
下载Evaluation of the accuracy of a portable surface imager (Crisalix S.A., Lausanne, Switzerland) in predicting breast volume compared with anthropomorphic estimates and intraoperative specimen weights.
Dr. Nazerali, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, (Annals of Plastic Surgery • Volume 84, Supplement 4, May 2020)